where it finds a start tag.
function startTag($parser, $data){
// And this function tells the parser to replace the end tags with "
function endTag($parser, $data){
global $total;
$total = $total . "*";
// These lines create the parser and then set the functions for the parser to use when
// reading the document.
$xml_parser = xml_parser_create();
// Sets the functions for start and end tags
xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startTag", "endTag");
// Sets the function for the contents/data
xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "contents");
// Read the file and save its contents as the variable "data"
$my_file = file("http://api.shopping.com/scripts/GSIsapiExt.dll/linkin_id-3069515/keyword-22770340");
$keywords="JVC Everio GZ-MC200 Memory Card Camcorder";
$data = $my_file[1];
if(!(xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp)))){
die("Error on line " . xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser));
// Free the memory used to create the parser
// Close the file when you're done reading it
$info = explode("*", $total);
$arraytotal = count($info) - 8;
JVC Everio GZ-MC200 Memory Card Camcorder $info[32]"; } else{ echo"
"; echo ""; echo" "; } ?>
Newbie Review by Frank Costanza Newbie Product Reviewer:
The JVC Everio GZ-MC200 Memory Card Camcorder offers 10X optical zoom and 200X digital zoom for clear close-up shots. Some of the great features include: It records DVD-quality moving pictures in MPEG-2 data compression format, 4 GB Microdrive® SD-Video MPEG-2 PS recording format for recording up to one hour of high-quality MPEG-2 moving pictures or up to 5565 UXGA stills and it connect to a Pictbridge-compatible photo printer for PC-free printing and more. The JVC features high-resolution lens technology, advanced CCD image sensors and the proprietary Megabrid Engine to assure optimum video and still image processing. It has a great amount of storage and high quality performance. With the the high resolution the still images are crisp and clear, allowing for beautiful quality prints. It has the features that allow to adjust to any angle you want to shoot from. Includes Power DVD for easy video clip and DVD playback with Dolby Digital Audio. And a great imagine stabilizer to get from blurred picture from my hand shaking. “ If you are looking for a new camcorder with great performance and high quality then I recommend you this JVC MC200.”
Pros: Small. Lightweight and gives high quality performance. |
Cons: Expensive |
JVC Everio GZ-MC200 Memory Card CamcorderNewbie Rating
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