Nintendo GameCube Game Reviews

By Jason "The Southern Dandy" Dahlin

Everyone knows that the Nintendo has always been the name in home video game entertainment. Ever since the release of Super Mario Bros so many years ago on the original NES, Nintendo has always been associated with quality, exciting video games. With the release of the Nintendo GameCube, the company has continued its reputation of making great games. Below is a list of Nintendo exclusive titles that make buying the Cube a real no brainer.


If you are a action or adventure game fan, then look no further then the Gamecube. Sporting some of the biggest names in this genre, Nintendo far outshines any other system in terms of pure quality. Where else can you find the latest Legend of Zelda title, Super Mario Sunshine, Metroid Prime, or Resident Evil titles? No where…and that is why Nintendo is far and away the name in action/adventure.

Role Playing

Role Playing games are a great way to spend countless hours in a world far far away, and with the GameCube there are plenty of ways to transcend reality. Games like Batten Kaitos, Super Mario RPG, Tales of Symphonia, and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles all allow hours of extensive level building fun are all only available for the Cube.


If it is available on other systems, chances are that it is on the Cube, and add this to the fact that Nintendo makes ultra-addicting games such as Mario Golf, Super Mario Kart, and Mario Tennis, and there is no better place to get your sports game on then the Nintendo GameCube.

Why even think about it…stop wasting your time and buy a GameCube or some new awesome games today!

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GameCube Game Reviews: